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About replies by e-mail
It may take some time to receive a reply to inquiries sent on holidays. Response time will also vary depending on the content of your inquiry.
About the handling of personal information
Min-On uses the personal information sent with your inquiry to answer your question, and for no other purpose. It will not be used for anything else without your permission.
About automatic response e-mails
If the data is transmitted correctly, an automatic response will be sent to the e-mail address you provided.
If you do not receive this response, your e-mail address may have been entered incorrectly, or there may be a problem with your e-mail account.
Should this happen, please re-submit your inquiry, adding a note about the previous attempt. -
Address for application
Tokyo International Conducting Competition Office
c/o Min-On Concert Association
8 Shinano-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8588, Japan